Max Leone
Professional Speaker & Coach
Max Leone is a professional speaker, coach and author who has been involved in the personal growth field for more than ten years. He studied with some of the greatest masters in the field, such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Neale Walsh, Anthony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle. Max studied NLP with the founder Richard Bandler, with whom he became a Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming. He qualified and studied extensively a variety of disciplines such as Translation Analysis, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), The Sylva Method, Hypnosis, DHE (Designing human Engineering) and other techniques he uses with individuals and groups. He has been interviewed on radio stations, such as New York Coaching Common Radio, 103.2, Radio Dublin, and his work has been featured in magazines and newspapers, among which are Positive Life, The Irish Times, New Thoughts Magazines, to mention some. Max is the author of "Daily Tips for Success & Fulfilmentâ€.
Research Interest
Neuro Linguistic Programming, Brain