Amal Al-Hashmi
Royal Hospital Muscat, Oman
Title: Stroke is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide and is the most common cause of long term disability.
Biography: Amal Al-Hashmi
Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide and is the most common cause of long term disability. stroke in the young is particularly tragic because of long term disablement. More than 10% of patients with stroke are aged 55 years or younger . While specific definition of young stroke is lacking , the vast majority of authors ; stroke to pertain to individuals less than 45 years of age. However other extended it to 50. Etiologies and risk factors : Etiologies and risk factors for stroke in the young adults resemble those seen in elderly ; however the etiology is much more diverse in the young compared to old patients . Vasculopathies , cardiac, metabolic and hematological disorders are more commonly seen in ischemic stroke in the young . Whereas vascular malformation and drug abuse more commonly encountered in hemorrhagic stroke . This has therapeutical consequences and may affect outcome both in short and long term . This also may indicate separate approaches as to secondary preventive treatment. Differential diagnosis and Managements : The differential diagnosis of stroke is broad and further extended in the young because stroke may present with non specific symptoms and sings such as seizures and headache. In addition to standardized stroke management used in elderly , additional investigations, supportive and specific therapies should be considered based on the underlying etiologies. conclusion: Given the increasing incidence of stroke in the young. Stroke in the young adults are major public health and further researches are needed in order to reduce the burden and provide us with more precise epidemiologic data