Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 8th European Neurology Congress Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Day 2 :

Conference Series Neurology Congress 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Galina Mindlin photo

Galina Mindlin, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System and Clinical/Executive Director at Brain Music Treatment Center in New York City. She is board certified in Psychiatry/Neurology and holds a PhD in Neuroscience. She co-authored the book “Your Playlist Can Change Your Life” (Sourcebooks, 2012). She is trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy at Columbia University, completed her training in DBT and is thought mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh. She is the founder of Brain Music Therapy (BMT), in the US. She collaborates with other neurofeedback providers across the United States and is in private practice in New York City.    


Objective: This uncontrolled pilot study assessed short-term effectiveness and acceptability of “brain music therapy” (BMT), a self-guided neurofeedback intervention for anxious insomniacs.
Methods: Following baseline assessment, volunteers (n=15) with clinically significant insomnia and anxiety underwent EEG. Slow and fast wave brain patterns were converted to piano music tacks and transferred to CD’s. Participants were instructed to use their personalized CDs to facilitate sleep and anxiety reduction (relaxing track) or to stimulate focus and alertness (activating track) on a daily basis. Repeated measures of sleep (PIRS), anxiety (STAI), daytime functioning (DFT) and quality of life (QOL) were taken at weeks 0, 3 and 6.
Results: Participants were middle-aged (43.9/11.4), Caucasian (60.0%) females (66.7%) who were college educated (100%) and employed (93.4%). ANOVA showed significant changes on measures of sleep, anxiety and DFT (i.e., fewer negative effects); no changes were found for DTF (i.e., more positive effects) or for QOL. Intervention acceptance was high, with participants reporting easy use, helpfulness and willingness to refer friends with similar problems.
Conclusions: Results provide preliminary support for BMT as a treatment for anxious insomnia. The intervention is user friendly, while eliminating the need for potentially dangerous hypnotics and repeat visits to psychotherapists.

Keynote Forum

Mohammed ELSherif

Mansoura University School of Medicine, Egypt

Keynote: Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Blood Biomarkers in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Conference Series Neurology Congress 2016 International Conference Keynote Speaker Mohammed ELSherif photo

Mohamed ELSherif has completed his MD and PhD at the age of 38 years from Mansoura University School of Medicine, Egypt. He is the coordinator of postgraduate and undergraduate medical students. He has published more than 17 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a reviewer member of many Neurology journals. Prizes first Best Master Thesis Mansoura University 2007, second Junior Travelling Fellowships from the World Federation Of Neurology 22/4/2009 to attend the 13th EFNS in Florence-Italy to present the poster of my MD thesis.         


Background: The utilization of biomarker panels in acute ischemic cerebral stroke (AICS) could enhance the proper diagnosis that facilitate the identification of the cause of the cerebral stroke which is essential for rationally manage and avoid stroke recurrence. Objectives: To inspect the vulnerable associations among a panel of blood biomarkers {D-dimer (DD), angiopoietin-1 (ANGPT1), S100 calcium-binding protein B (S-100b), and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)} and AICS patients. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective research performed on patients with AICS who admitted at Saudi German Hospital-KSA in corporation with the neurology department Mansoura faculty of medicine - Egypt during one and half years' duration. Demographics of the patients, fatality as well as the clinic and a panel of blood biomarkers serum levels were gathered. The clinical scales {National institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scoring for severity on admission, and Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for outcome after 3 months were tested for all AICS patients. Results: An overall of 150 patients with AICS was investigated, with a mean age of 62±14 years with males 52%. The AICS cases were set side by side to age and sex matched thirty healthy. controls (HC) demonstrating that the patients were more likely to have significantly hypertension, and atrial fibrillation (71.3%, 20%, P< 0.05 respectively). The mortality after 3 months was 11% (15 cases). Regarding stroke severity NIHSS score mean was 11.6±6. The serum levels for a panel of blood biomarker (DD, S100b, and BNP) are significantly higher while for Angpt1 is significantly lower with AICS in comparison to HC. Multivariate predictors of patients with an unfavorable functional outcome, DD, S-100b, and BNP levels were significantly higher compared with the levels in patients with a favorable outcome. On the contrary, the level of Angpt1 is significantly decreased in patients with an unfavorable functional outcome. The stroke severity (NIHSS score) correlated significantly with the outcome (mRS) as less severe cases showed more favorable outcome. The clinical variables that showed significant correlation were age, diabetic, and atrial fibrillation. Conclusion: Our findings highlighted that blood biomarkers can be accustomed as a valuable tool to investigate AICS and to anticipate initial neurological outcome that would assist in determining patients at risk of unfavorable outcome offering alert to launch therapies to avert aggravating of the patient's status.

  • Neurology


Galina Mindlin

Mount Sinai, USA



Ute-Christiane Meier

Queen Mary University London, UK


Chia-Chun Chiang is currently a neurology resident at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, USA. She received her MD degree from National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan in 2011, and completed a transitional year residency at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. She then worked as a Post-doctoral scholar at the Department of Neurosciences at University of California, San Diego, USA. She started her residency training at Mayo Clinic Arizona in 2014. He has published seven papers in reputed journals for her research in bio-photonics, neurosciences, clinical neurology and headache medicine. She has also presented at several international conferences in which she won Best Presentation Award and Best Paper Award.


We present an unusual case of multiple pleural drop metastasis 21 years after complete resection of an encapsulated thymoma in a Southeast Asian man with myasthenia gravis (MG). To the best of our knowledge, this is the longest reported disease-freeinterval of thymoma recurrence. A 43 year-old man with history of MG presented with a 9-month history of generalized weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath. After the initial diagnosis of MG 21 years ago, the patient underwent a complete resection of an encapsulated thymoma. His MG has reportedly been stable with cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, and pyridostigmine. Due to his new symptoms, CT scan of the chest with contrast was done and revealed numerous pleural nodules surrounding the left lung
with basilar predominance and pleural thickening. The findings were concerning for “drop metastases”. CT-guided biopsy of a pleural nodule was done and the pathologic diagnosis was WHO type B1 thymoma. In the literature review, the average disease-free-interval for thymoma ranged from 68 to 86 months. Pleural and mediastinal recurrence are more common than distant hematogenous recurrence, although various presentations of thymoma recurrence have been reported. Adverse prognostic factors include an nitial higher Masaoka stage, incomplete resection, elderly age, and pleural or pericardial involvement. In patients with apparent complete resection of a thymoma, clinicians should remain vigilant for the possibility of thymoma recurrence for up to 20 years after initial management. Greater awareness


Amal Al-Hashmi Graduated from Sultan Qaboos University(SQU) Oman , she completed her post graduate specialty in Neurology  at McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Montreal Canada. She currently works as Sr Consultant Neurologist and Head of Acute Stroke Unit at the the Royal Hospital Muscat . She is also Deputy Department of Neurology  at the same hospital. Dr AlHashmi is a teacher for both under & post grad students and final MD examiner at SQU, in addition she is teacher and examiner at the Oman medical speciality board (OMSB ) . She is also the Vice president and the Chair Person Scientific Committee of Oman Medical Association form 2013 up to date . Dr Al-Hashmi Currently involved in multiple Stroke researchers.


Introduction: Stroke is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide and is the most common cause of long term disability. stroke in the young is particularly tragic because of long term disablement. More than 10% of patients with stroke are aged 55 years or younger . While specific definition of young stroke is lacking , the vast majority of authors ; stroke to pertain to individuals less than 45 years of age. However other extended it to 50. Etiologies and risk factors : Etiologies and risk factors for stroke in the young adults resemble those seen in elderly ; however the etiology is much more diverse in the young compared to old patients . Vasculopathies , cardiac, metabolic and hematological disorders are more commonly seen in ischemic stroke in the young . Whereas vascular malformation and drug abuse more commonly encountered in hemorrhagic stroke . This has therapeutical consequences and may affect outcome both in short and long term . This also may indicate separate approaches as to secondary preventive treatment. Differential diagnosis and Managements : The differential diagnosis of stroke is broad and further extended in the young because stroke may present with non specific symptoms and sings such as seizures and headache. In addition to standardized stroke management used in elderly , additional investigations, supportive and specific therapies should be considered based on the underlying etiologies. conclusion: Given the increasing incidence of stroke in the young. Stroke in the young adults are major public health and further researches are needed in order to reduce the burden and provide us with more precise epidemiologic data

Elis Eleutherio

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Title: Oxidative Stress Response and Longevity: Learning from Yeast Lessons

Time : 12:55-13:20


Elis Eleutherio has completed his PhD at the age of 32 years from UFRJ. She is the head of Laboratory of Investigation of Stress Factors (Laboratório de Investigação de Fatores de Estresse – LIFE) at Institute of Chemistry, UFRJ. She has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has supervised 10 PhD and 15 MSc theses.


Although aging is likely to be a multifactorial process, several evidences show that oxidative stress is connected to life span. Many questions remain unanswered: oxidative stress does indeed contribute to ageing; do ROS act purely as random, destructive agents or as regulators of pathways of stress response and ageing; is it the absolute level of oxidative stress or the response to oxidative stress, or a combination of both, that determines life span? Interest in the factors that determine longevity has increased since the life expectancy has increased and the world leading causes of death are age-related diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. The use of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an experimental model in biochemical studies has enabled the understanding of basic cellular and molecular processes. Even taken into consideration the vast differences in complexity between yeast and humans, the study of ageing and oxidative stress response in yeast has provided key insights into pathways that modulate human longevity. The entire genome sequence of yeast has been elucidated and it is amenable to genetic modifications, which facilitates the identification of drug targeting genes or stress response pathways. A substantial portion of human protein-coding genes can actually substitute for that of the yeast. In addition, S. cerevisiae has similar antioxidant responses to mammals and 30% of known genes involved in human diseases have yeast functional homologues. So, we have using the yeast model to investigate the role of antioxidant defenses in cellular longevity and the molecular basis of neurodegeneration.


Farid Hajibonabi is a medical student at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. He has started working on research projects since the first year of education and is still working on the projects related to neurological diseases. He is a member of student neuroscience committee of neuroscience research center in Tabriz University of medical sciences.


Dysphagia and poor nutritional status are common complications of stroke; however, possible associations between them are not well understood. Furthermore, it is necessary to perform a nutritional assessment of the patient in the early hours of admission, to determine both the nutritional status and the presence of dysphagia. So in this study, potential associations between dysphagia and nutritional indicators in patients with acute ischemic stroke at the time of hospital admission were evaluated. In this observational cross-sectional study, patients with ischemic stroke admitted to academic medical centers were enrolled. We studied 30 patients with stroke at the time of admission. The frequency of dysphagia and dysphasia grading score was evaluated. Nutritional indicators were assessed by knee height, mid arm circumference, triceps skin fold thickness, and calf circumference of all the admitted patients. The possible correlation between dysphagia and each parameter was evaluated.  On clinical assessments 73.33% of patients demonstrated dysphagia. Dysphagia, was significantly associated with lower calf circumference (P<0.05), but not with other nutritional indicators (knee height, mid arm circumference, triceps skin fold thickness). To be concluded, Dysphasia is a prevalent problem in patients with acute ischemic stroke; however, it’s not associated with major nutritional failure at the time of hospital admission.


Eugenia Tsoma is professor in Mansoura university Faculty of Medicine, Ukraine. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute


Objectives: To evaluate the short-term and long-term effectiveness of treadmill training in improving functional capacity, balance and quality of life (QOL) for Parkinson disease (PD) patients.
Design: A prospective, randomized, single-blind clinical trial.
Methods: A total of 20 mild to moderate PD patients were randomly split in case (11) and control (9) groups. Both the groups were evaluated for 3 times; at the time of inclusion, 2 months and 4 months later. We assigned Time Up and Go test (TUG) and 6 minutes-walk test (6MW) for assessment of balance and functional capacity. Additionally, the SF-8 healthy survey was filled out in an interview conducted by the expert.
Intervention: Treadmill exercises were performed in 10 weeks (2sessions/week). The program have been applied at moderate intensity with 60% of heart rate reserved (HRR) in 30 minutes. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and Freidman test were applied for short-term and long-term follow up analysis, respectively.
Results: Balance and functional capacity were significantly improved in case group after the intervention (TUG P value: 0.003, 6MW P value: 0.003). Moreover, long-term analysis revealed significant results as well (TUG P value: 0.001, 6MW P value: 0.004). Mental condition scores of SF-8 in cases were not statistically different in short-term follow up. However, analysis illustrated P value: 0.016 for long-term assessment. The intervention induced significant changes in physical condition scores in both follow ups (PC P value: 0.013).
Conclusion: This study provides considerable benefits of treadmill training in balance, functional capacity and QOL for PD patients.


  • Neurological Disorders & Neurosurgery


Giovanni Antioco Putzu

Casa di Cura Sant’Elena, Italy


José L Ochoa is a Specialized Academic Neurologist. He has written hundreds of peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and two books. He has successfully identified two syndromes of Neuropathic Pain. He has done his MD from Catholic University in 1961. He has done his PhD and DSc from University of London.


Our current IASP President led a distinguished group, who based on science and courage, redefined “neuropathic pain” in 2008, but were reminded that such transparency excluded CRPS-I. Current authorities who agreed on this are Past President; rejuvenated IASP taxonomists; (the AMA always agreed) and now, the E.N.S. CRPS-I hypothesis (former “RSD” and “SMP) features include that there is no structural pathology; no diagnostic test; the “objective signs” are non-specific, often reflect disuse or self-infliction; and some are willful behaviors. Pain experts admit that “for diagnosis we don’t use Evidence, we use our default criterion #4” because such perversion of the falsifiability principle (the one that allows scientific diagnosis (Popper)) is unfalsifiable (alternative diagnoses are not eliminated) i.e., it cannot be proven false and this is termed as Pseudoscience. The default position, one that cannot be proven false, also fits the null hypothesis which can never be proven correct (the data can only reject or fail to reject it (Fisher)). Topics that will be presented are: Symptoms, signs and laboratory in RSD/CRPS; S.W. Mitchell excludes the great sympathetic” from “Causalgia; The invention of “RSD” by Evans; R.Verdugo exposes placebo in faulty “diagnostic sympathetic blocks”: SMP and RSD die; M.Campero rules out sympathetic activation of C nociceptors in CRPS (microneurography); Science of abnormal human nerves as impulse generators; Neurologists sort true versus Pseudoneurological display which are Psychogenic; The nick-“diagnosis” of “CRPS-I”, as applied by non-neurologists to pseudoneurological patients: iatrogenic harm; Hysterical versus malingered CRPS; and what is wrong with the Budapests? This lecture outline will survey sensation, receptor to brain, where psyche lives.


Mohamed ELSherif has completed his MD and PhD from Mansoura University School of Medicine, Egypt. He is the coordinator of Post-graduate and undergraduate medical students. He has published more than 17 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a reviewer member of many neurology journals. He has received the first Best Master Thesis Mansoura University 2007, second junior travelling fellowships from the World Federation of Neurology 22/4/2009 to attend the 13th EFNS in Florence-Italy to present the poster of MD thesis.


Background: The GIT infection with Helicobacter pylori (HP) can inhibit levodopa (LD) in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients leading to motor fluctuation.
Objectives: To identify the incidence of HP in PD patients compared to healthy controls and its effect on motor fluctuation, response to treatment and quality of life.
Patients & Methods: Serum IgG Abs against HP urease were detected using ELISA, we monitored and compared incidence of HP infection in PD patients and controls. We compared the PD with positive HP (PD positive) and PD with negative HP infection (PD negative) regarding clinical features, the Unified PD Rating Scale (UPDRS) scores, Hoehn and Yahr Stages (H and Y) stages, PD Questionnaire for the quality of life (PD NMSQuest), and PD non-motor symptoms Questionnaire (PD-Q39).
Results: Fifty Egyptian PD patients were included. Forty-six percent were HP positive with a significant difference to control group (46% and 20% respectively, P=0.043). In PD positive, the total UPDRS and PD-Q39 scores, were significantly higher in comparison to PD negative (p<0.005 and p<0.001 respectively). The differences were not significant in the total PD NMSQuest score, and H and Y stages in both groups. The LD onset period was significantly greater in PD positive by nearly 14 minutes in comparison to PD negative. There was significantly prolonged on-duration time in PD positive in comparison to PD negative.
Conclusion: There is a high incidence of HP infection in PD and HP affects the response to LD that can deteriorate motor manifestations and the quality of life.



Giovanni Antioco Putzu is working as professor in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology in Casa di Cura Sant’Elena, Italy. He has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of reputed scientific journals.



CMT is one of the most commonly inherited neuromuscular diseases, with prevalence of approximately 1 in 2,500 persons. Clinical complains are mainly represented by muscle pain, sensation of fatigue and painful muscle cramps. No treatment of clinical symptoms is available yet. Previous treatment with high dosage of vitamin C failed to confirm a benefit in humans. A clinical open trial has been performed in order to evaluate the efficacy of ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide (PEA-um®). Twenty-two patients (7 male and 15 females) from four different CMT families were treated with PEA-um® at dosage of 1200 mg/day for 80 days (Normast ®, Epitech Group srl, Saccolongo, Italy). None of the patients had an add-on treatment for the clinical symptoms. Muscle pain, fatigue and muscle cramps were assessed at T0 (baseline), T1 (20thday) and T2 (80th day) using Visual Analogic Scale (VAS). Muscle strength, vibratory sensation and Motor/Sensory nerve Conduction velocities were also assessed with the same schedule. Mean values of VAS for muscle pain at T1 decreased from 5.9±2.1 to 3.9±1.7 (p<0.0001), whereas VAS for fatigue decreased from 6.3±2.4 to 3.4±1.6 (p<0.0001). VAS score for painful cramps at T1 diminished from 5.4±1.2 to 3.8±1.3 (p<0.0001). A further improvement of VAS scores for muscle pain, fatigue and painful cramps was observed at T2 evaluation. These data strongly suggest that PEA-um® is effective in improving clinical symptoms of CMT neuropathy, albeit the obvious limitation of an open study.


Chaonan Yang has completed his Master's degree from Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan, ROC. He is currently the attending physician of neurology, in China medical University Hospital, Taipei branch.         


Stroke cause impairment, and also cause care burden and social cost. Patient seeking other therapy for regain their limbs weakness or spasticity, like acupuncture. Although acupuncture in post-stroke patient can relieve some function, but there is still controversial in conclusion. In acupuncture group, patients received three times a week, 2 weeks with total 6 times body acupuncture (7 sets acupoints) treatment. Data was collected by evaluation 3 neurologic deficit score or activity functional score (NIHSS, BI, mRS) before and 4, 8, 12 weeks after the intervention. HRV data were collected before and after each acupuncture interventions in acupuncture group. We enrolled 56 subjects. The results (1) In the measurement of 3 neurologic score (NIHSS, BI, mRS), there were no significant in NIHSS score in baseline, and has significant improvement in NIHSS score in control group since the 2nd day, and keep significant in the 3rd day, 7th day, 14th day and the 21th day, than back to no significant improvement in NIHSS score comparing acupuncture and control groups in the 28th day, the 56th day and the 84th day. There were no significant improvements in BI and mRS scores comparing acupuncture and control group in all comparing days. We noted the  worsening of NIHSS score within 3 days in acupuncture group, and returned to no difference with control group in 4 weeks later, it is a indirect evidence that a trend of improving neurologic deficit (NIHSS score) after acupuncture treatment compare to control group.



Sarah Hasan Siddiqui completed MBBS in 2010 from Dow University of Health Sciences, one of the renowned Universities of Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan. She has joined the Aga Khan University Hospital residency program in 2012 and currently working as Chief Resident Neurology in this institution.


A 42 year old male developed rapid onset bilateral leg weakness following epidural analgesia which he was receiving for post-operative pain control. He had undergone partial Gastrectomy for locally advanced gastric carcinoma. On examination he had bilateral flaccid paralysis of legs, areflexia in lower limbs and variable sensory impairment up to T 9 dermatome. MRI spine did not reveal any compression initially. Nerve conduction study demonstrated abnormal motor NCS with either no response or very low amplitudes in lower limbs. Repeat MRI spine after 4 weeks demonstrated thickening and enhancement of cauda equina nerve roots representing radiculitis. Patient is currently bedbound with no significant improvement in his neurological status.


Shin-Han Tsai has completed his PhD from School of Medicine of Universtiy of Cincinnati, USA. He is the Director of Department of Emergency and Critlcal Care Medicine in Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital. He is also the Executive Medical Director in National Aeromedical Approval Center of Taiwan Executive Yuan, a government-funded program. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.



Emergency air medical transport (EAMT) has become a major part of the modern trauma care system and is frequently used to transport patients from remote islands to a tertiary center. Data of all patients with traumatic brain injury and underwent EAMT were retrospectively retrieved from National Aeromedical Approval Center (NAAC). Patient data were analyzed by using the following parameters: age, gender, injury of severity score, and outcome within three days after air transport. Between Oct 01, 2002 to Dec 31, 2015, there were 4057 EAMS requests from the four major remote islands to Taiwan Main Island. Among them, 3520 were approved (approval rate: 86.8%). Among the 3520 patients, 458 sustained head injury. Male predominates in the head injury patient populations(M:F=2.7:1). Patients between 21 and 30 years old comprised the majority (23%). There was higher percentage of moderate to severe head injury patients compared with ground transport. Moderately injured patients comprised 25%(115 patients) and severe head injury patients comprised 27%(124 patients). Of these moderate and severe injury patients, 28% were intubated. Mannitol ( or Glycerol) was routinely used. Thirty patients expired within seven days after air medical transport. These findings demonstrated that airway maintenance is a key factor for traumatic brain injury patient transport both in air and ground

  • Neuro Infecticious Diseases

Session Introduction

Athanase Millogo

University of Ouagadougou, Brazil

Title: Neurocysticercosis in Sub-saharan Africa.

Athanase Millogo is working in University of Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou. He is the prof. of Approche transversale Neuroépidémiologie. He has published more than 72 papers in reputed journals .


Epilepsy has a huge burden in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its high prevalence relative to that observed in developed country, this condition is still neglected in many African countries. A possible contributing cause to the elevated prevalence in areas of Sub-Saharan Africa where pigs are raised is neurocysticercosis, a zoonotic disease caused by the larval stages of Taenia solium, transmitted between humans and pigs, with a possible migration to the human brain. Seizures are the primary manifestation of NCC, occurring in 65 to 90% of patients with imaging evidence of the larval stage of Taenia solium. Thus, identification of persons with seizures is a logical starting point for identification of people with NCC. Estimates of the prevalence of epilepsy in this region vary widely, even in the same country. The internationally recognized diagnosis of NCC involves the results of brain imaging, serological test to detect antibodies and neurological manifestations. However, the most important criteria in NCC diagnosis are from the analysis of neuroimages, which has hampered this disease from being recognized as a major cause of epilepsy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indeed, the poor access of the population to neuroimaging facilities limits the availability of representative data on NCC. The management of NCC-related epilepsy is possible through the pork inspection and the use of latrine which are not yet the common practice particularly in rural settings in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, many countries had implemented albendazole campaigns which could be helpful in cutting the Taenia solium life cycle. Educating physicians and the community about cutting the life cycle of Taenia solium through better level of sanitation could contribute to reducing the burden of epilepsy in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Hassan ALDahhan

king Saud hospital , Saudi Arabia

Title: Clinical cases in neurobrucellosis .

I am Hassan ALdahhan , specialist of Neurology , from Syria , have finished my residency in 5/2011 . I am working in King Saud hospital in Unizah in Saudi Arabia since 11/2011. I have finished PART 2 of MRCP ( UK) , and prepare for PACES


Brucellosis is common infectious disease in middle east area , and it is common to see its rare complication like neurobrucellosis or spondylosis . Actually neurobrucellois can mimic tubercolosis , and manifest with different pictures . and some time can be difficult to diagnose I will present three cases of neurobrucellosis that I faced in my hospital , and I will show the wide spectrum of symptoms and MRI findings .

  • Neurology

Session Introduction

Allal Boutajangout

New York University Langone Medical Center, School of Medicine, USA

Title: Therapy and Immunotherapy Targeting Alzheimer’s Disease

Allal Boutajangout has completed his PhD at Free University of Brussels, School of Medicine (ULB-Erasme Hospital) in 2005 and Postdoctoral training at New York University School of Medicine. He is a Research Associate Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience & Physiology and Psychiatry. He is also the chief of Neurodegeneration and Drug Discovery Program within Center for Cognitive Neurology  at NYU. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and serves as a reviewer for many scientific journals.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related progressive disorder characterized by The extracellular accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) peptides as plaques and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), as well as intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). AD is the most common cause of dementia globally. Care for patients with dementia accounts for ~1% of current global GDP, with this expected to rise substantially in the near future. No effective treatment is available to prevent or cure AD. Currently available treatments for AD provide largely symptomatic relief, with only minor effects on the course of the disease; hence, there is an urgent need for better therapeutic interventions. Aβ has become a major target for disease modifying treatments of AD. Unfortunately, the ongoing trials targeting amyloid Aβ failed in phase III trials. So far the clinical benefits to the patients are limited and have no effect on tau related pathology. Previously we reported for the first time, that active and passive immunotherapy targeting tau pathology reduces tau pathology and improves cognitive decline in two different NFT models. Recently, we developed a new monoclonal antibody against PHF-tau that reduces tau pathology and improves cognitive decline without inflammation. We have also explored the potential effects of hUCB-MSC on AD pathology. Our results suggest that use of these stem cells is associated with a reduction of amyloid burden, which correlates with improvements of cognitive function in a transgenic AD mouse model. These promising approaches using immunotherapy targeting tau or stem cells to reduce Aβ pathology in animal AD models provide critical data prior to potential clinical trials.

  • Neuroimmunology
Location: Hall 1


David Rowell

Queensland Brain Institute, Australia

Session Introduction

Aliaksandr Haretski

The Body Regeneration Center of EAFM, Poland

Title: The Method of Nervous System Regeneration

Aliaksandr Haretski is the rector of the European Academy of Folk Medicine, Professor of the department of neurology of the International University of Science in Hannover, Germany, Doctor of naturopathy /complementary medicine of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies in Hannover, Germany. He is the director of the Body Regeneration Center of EAFM, Poland. He published more than 20 articles in reputed journals. He is the author of the book “A practical guide to rejuvenation and complete healing of diseases and cancer”.


The method of nervous system regeneration is a universal integrated method based on the use of more than 40 of our developments know-how. It is able to mobilize human abilities and make the human body restore itself. The unique advantage of the method is the absence of contraindications and adverse side effects. This method helps us not only halt the disease progression but restore lost body functions. Many patients with various chronic incurable and even genetic diseases, such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, MS, ALS, ICP, fibromyalgia, CFS, all types of myopathy, atrophy and muscle dystrophy, undergo their treatment successfully in our center. The use of this method allow us to have an integrated impact on the whole body at once rather than on its separate damaged parts, cleanse the body of toxins, eliminate the main causes of a disease, boost immunity, provide the body with nutrients to fight against diseases, launch the mechanisms of body regeneration and self-healing in patients with various diseases practically at any age. When stimulating the immune system, the body starts to produce a large number of its own stem cells. Old damaged cells will be completely replaced with new ones in organs in a very short time. Scar tissue cells will be transformed into new healthy cells in damaged organs. As a result all organs will be completely revived again without any surgery. The unique results of treatment achieved by our patients many times are the best proof of the efficiency of this method.



Leandro Bueno Bergantin has received his academic education from UNIFESP-EPM (Brazil) and did his MSc (2010) and PhD (2014) degrees in Biomedicine. His research involves cell signaling mediated by Ca2+ and cAMP, skeletal and smooth muscles, peripheral and central nervous systems. His research work solved the enigma of the paradoxical effects produced by L-type Ca2+ channel blockers. He is currently a Post-doctoral fellow (FAPESP) at UNIFESP-EPM.


The hypothesis of the so-called calcium paradox phenomenon in the sympathetic neurotransmission has its origin in experiments done in models of neurotransmission since 1970´s. Historically, calcium paradox originated several clinical studies reporting that acute and chronic administration of L-type Ca2+ channel blockers (CCBs), drugs largely used for antihypertensive therapy such as verapamil and nifedipine, produces reduction in peripheral vascular resistance and arterial pressure, associated with a paradoxical sympathetic hyperactivity. Despite this sympathetic hyperactivity has been initially attributed to adjust reflex of arterial pressure, the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in this paradoxical effect of the L-type CCBs remained unclear for four decades. Also, experimental studies using isolated tissues richly innervated by sympathetic nerves showed that neurogenic responses were completely inhibited by L-type CCBs in high concentrations, but paradoxically potentiated in low concentrations, characterized as a calcium paradox phenomenon. We discovered in 2013 that this paradoxical increase in sympathetic activity produced by L-type CCBs is due to Ca2+/cAMP interaction. Then, the pharmacological manipulation of this interaction could represent a potential cardiovascular risk for hypertensive patients due to increase of sympathetic hyperactivity. In contrast, this pharmacological manipulation could be a new therapeutic strategy for increasing neurotransmission in psychiatric disorders such as depression, and producing neuroprotection in the neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s diseases.


Anastasia Xagara

Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Greece

Title: Influence of the immunological effector IFNγ in the biology of neuroblastoma cells

Time : 11:50-12:15


Xagara Anastasia completed her degree in Biology at the University of Ioannina (Greece), Department of Biological Applications and Technologies (5-years, 300 ECTS). She is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Biomedical Research, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology- Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH/BRI), under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Theologos Michaelidis. Her research is focused on the analysis of neuro-immune interactions that take place in human CNS and PNS and their significance for the development of neurological disorders.


The immune and nervous systems interact both at the cellular and molecular level, and share significant similarities in essential mechanisms and signaling pathways. IFN-γ, a cytokine that belongs to type II interferons, plays crucial role in innate and adaptive immunity whereas its aberrant expression/activity has been associated with a number of autoimmune diseases. IFNγ can enhance neurogenesis in the hippocampus of adult mice, by unknown mechanisms, possibly involving coordination between brain inflammation and repair, and can also modulate neurotransmitter release at synapses and affect memory, thereby revealing an important role of this immunological effector for the function of the adult nervous system. Using neuroblastoma cells, we are currently analyzing the influence of neuroinflammatory components in the process of aberrant activation of key signaling pathways involved in cellular proliferation and neuronal differentiation as well as in cellular heterogeneity, a hallmark of neuroblastoma which is observed in both tumors and tumor-derived cell lines. We found that IFNγ reduces neuroblastoma cell proliferation by delaying progression through the S phase of the cell cycle. Concomitantly, it promotes molecular and morphological features of early neuronal differentiation as revealed by the extended neurite outgrowth, increased formation of varicosities, and induction of specific neuronal differentiation markers. Our data also showed that chronic treatment with IFNγ alters the program of retinoic acid-induced differentiation, leading to an induction of large, nestin+, Schwann-like (S-type) cells, known to influence the biology of the adjacent neuroblastic (N-type) cells, suggesting that immune components may contribute to the phenotypic heterogeneity and tumorigenicity of neuroblastoma.


Sushil Razdan

Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences, India.

Title: Iatrogenic Hypercalcemic Encephalopathy due to Hypervitaminosis D – A Case Series.

Time : 13:55-14:20


Sushil Razdan, MBBS, MD, DM(Neurology), Honorary Professor, Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences, Sidhra, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India


Vitamin D is increasingly recognized to have beneficial effects in several inflammatory conditions and there is some evidence to suggest that it is associated with a reduced risk of various internal malignancies, aside from its classic physiologic effects on calcium metabolism and bone homeostasis. Although vitamin D toxicity is thought to be extremely rare, and an extremely rare cause of hypercalcemia, food and nutrition board guidelines specify 2000IU as highest vitamin D intake that healthy adults can consume daily without risking hypercalcemia. For many people the word “vitamin” implies something that is beneficial, essential and not potentially poisonous. But,Vitamin D is toxic in large doses and sporadic reports of vitamin D toxicity exist in literature. We report a case series of fifteen patients with symptomatic hypercalcemia in whom toxicity occurred due to excessive administration of vitamin D by oral and parenteral route. The most frequently noted clinical manifestations in these patients was altered sensorium. In the present study we report a case series of 15 patients, nine women and six men, aged between 42–85 years who presented to the Department of Medicine, Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir between December 2009 and September 2011. All patients were residents of Jammu and Kashmir. All the 15 patients had symptoms attributable to hypercalcemia with elevated serum calcium and serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 levels. All the 15 patients were suffering form hypervitaminosis D


Ute-Christiane Meier completed her PhD at the University of Oxford, where she worked on the cytotoxic T-cell control of HIV infection. She continued her studies on persistent virus infections and immunotherapeutic cancer vaccine-strategies within Oxford University, the Edward Jenner Institute and British Biotech in Oxford. She started working in Neuroimmunology in 2007 at the Blizard Institute London. In 2012 she was appointed as lecturer in Neuroimmunology. Her main research interest focusses on the role of environmental risk factors in multiple sclerosis, the topic of her Habilitation at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich and more recently on dysregulated immune responses and the role of inflammation in psychiatric disease.



The exact mechanisms underlying neuroinflammation and neuropathology in multiple sclerosis (MS) are still unknown, but susceptibility depends on a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors and their interactions. With little influence on genetic predisposition, the importance of modulating environmental risk factors is becoming an area of great interest. There is mounting evidence implicating both late Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and hypovitaminosis-D as key environmental risk factors in MS. We have previously shown that active white matter lesions in the MS brain show signs of innate immune activation, and that latently EBV-infected cells can be found in these areas. We hypothesized that EBV-RNAs (EBERs) may promote an inflammatory milieu within the lesion. We propose that dysregulated EBV infection may be a potential risk factor and contribute to MS disease activity via the stimulation of innate immune responses by EBERs, and/or antigenic mimicry, cross-reactivity of cellular immune responses with “self” brain antigens or via the transactivation of endogenous retroviruses.

Another potential environmental risk factor in MS is hypovitaminosis-D. Vitamin-D plays an important role not only in bone homeostasis but also in immunity and control of persistent infections. Hypovitaminosis-D, which is a hallmark of MS cohorts, has been associated with disease activity in MS. I will discuss data, which highlights interdependence between EBV- and vitamin-D status in MS. Several vitamin-D supplementation trials are currently underway to test the effect of vitamin-D supplementation on disability progression in MS.

In the final part of my presentation I will focus on psychoneuroimmunology, which studies the interactions between immunity/inflammation and mood, cognition and behaviour. I will discuss novel findings on the role of inflammation and potential environmental risk factors in schizophrenia e.g. hypovitaminosis-D. We propose that an MS-like inflammatory signature may be present in schizophrenia. This area warrants further study as it may highlight novel prevention or treatment strategies.


Husham Bayazed has completed his PhD from University of Mosul, College of Medicine. He is now Consultant at the Scientific Research Center, University of Zakho / Kurdistan Region, Iraq. He is specialist in Immunology and has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as scientific reviewers of many local and international medical journals. In addition of being Fellowship of ISC, Infection, Cancer, Immunology Advisory Board Member (EUROMDnet) (Belgium), Membership of World Stroke Organization, Membership of Metabolomics (USA) and Membership of American Association of Science & Technology.



Anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease. Cerebral ischemia associated with APS occurs at a younger age than typical atherothrombotic cerebrovascular disease, is often recurrent, and is associated with high positive IgG anti-phospholipid (GPL) unit levels. This study sought to determine the frequency rates of anti-cardiolipin (aCL) dependent on the presence of β2-GPI, anti-β2-glycoprotein I (aβ2-GPI) and anti-phosphatidyl serine (aPS) IgG autoantibodies among stroke patients, and thus demonstrate the importance of testing for aβ2-GPI autoantibodies. For this study, stroke patients and control subjects recruited from Mosul, Erbil and Dohuk provinces in Northern Iraq between March 2004 and March 2005 were evaluated. All cases were under 50 years-of-age and had no recognizable risk factors. Using ELISA to evaluate the presence of IgG isotype of aCL, aβ2-GPI and aPS autoantibodies in their blood, the results indicated that the frequency of aβ2-GPI was 14/50 (28%), aCL was 11/50 (22%), and aPS was 9/50 (18%) among stroke patients. In contrast, aCL was detected in 2/30 (6.7%) of control subjects; each of the other anti-phospholipid antibodies (APLA) was never observed. Of all the aβ2-GPI+ cases, the incidence of stroke patients having the combined profile of aβ2-GPI + aCL was 11/14 (78.6%) and of aβ2-GPI + aPS was 9/14 (64.3%). Only 2/14 (14.3%) of these aβ2-GPI+ patients, also expressed aCL in the absence of aPS. The frequency of patients expressing all three markers was only 9/14 (64.3%). In none of the APS/stroke patients were aCL or aPS expressed in the absence of the aβ2-GPI. Conversely, IgG aβ2-GPI as a sole marker was seen in 3/14 (21.4%) of these patients (i.e. in absence of either other marker). It can be concluded from these studies that the among the three major forms of APLA examined, the presence of IgG aβ2-GPI autoantibodies appeared to correlate best with stroke in patients who were concurrently suffering APS.


  • Neurophysiology & Neuropsychiatry
Location: Hall 1


Amal Al-Hashmi

Royal Hospital Muscat, Oman


José Ochoa USA Resident (1966), Citizen of Chile, national of the European Community (Spain). 50 years of specialized academic Neurology; hundreds of peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and two books; identified two syndromes of neuropathic pain; deconstructed illegitimate “neuropathic pain” disorders; competitive NIH RO1 grant awards since 1982.


Our current IASP President led a distinguished group who, based on science and courage, redefined “neuropathic pain” in 2008, but were reminded that such transparency excluded CRPS-I. Current authorities agree: Past President; rejuvenated IASP taxonomists; (the AMA always agreed)… and now, the E.N.S.? Why? CRPS-I hypothesis (former “RSD” and “SMP) features: there is no structural pathology; no diagnostic test; the “objective signs” are non-specific, often reflect disuse or self-infliction; and some are willful behaviors. Pain experts admit: “for diagnosis we don’t use Evidence… we use our Default Criterion #4…” Because such perversion of the Falsifiability Principle, allowing Scientific diagnosis (Popper), is unfalsifiable (alternative diagnoses not eliminated), it cannot be proven false… it is pseudoscience. The Default position, one that cannot be proven false, also fits the Null Hypothesis which can never be proven correct: the data can only reject… or fail to reject it (Fisher). Items to be presented: • Symptoms, signs and laboratory in “RSD/CRPS”. • S.W. Mitchell excludes the “great sympathetic” from “Causalgia”. • The invention of “RSD” by Evans. • R.Verdugo exposes placebo in faulty “diagnostic sympathetic blocks”: SMP and RSD die. • M.Campero rules out sympathetic activation of C nociceptors in CRPS (microneurography). • Abnormal human nerves as impulse generators’ science. • Neurologists sort true versus Pseudoneurological displays… which are Psychogenic. • “CRPS-I” nick-“diagnosis” by non-neurologists, of pseudoneurological patients: iatrogenic harm. • “Hysterical” versus malingered “CRPS” • What is wrong with the Budapests. This lecture outline will survey sensation, receptor to brain, where Psyche lives.


Frederic Haesebaert has completed his MD in 2010, and his PhD in 2013 at the age of 33 years from Lyon University. He is now the head of a department of neuromodulation in psychiatry dedicated to treatment resistant pathologies, in Lyon, and also a reseacher investigating the mechanisms of action of Non Invasive Brain Stimulations (NIBS) in psychiatric populations. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals and is the author of book chapters and confrences in this field of psychiatry and neuromodulation .


Auditory hallucinations (AH) are common and disabling symptoms of schizophrenia. Despite prescriptions including adequate pharmacological treatments, about 25% of patients still experience refractory AH symptoms. This epidemiological fact supports the urge need of understanding AH and developping new treatement strategies. Indeed, the pathophysiology of AH is complex and still partially unelucidated. In clinical terms AH correspond to "true" auditory perception in the absence of an auditive stimulus. In a neuropsychological perspective, they are commonly related to a lack of cognitive control over the hearing function. This lack of control leads to perception of self-generated events misattributed to someone else. We present here key findings on brain networks supporting hearing and speech perception involved in the pathogenesis of AH symptoms, drawing perspectives for new treatements. Indeed, our team’s research includes studies at the clinical, neuropsychological and neurophysiological level highliting the role of fronto temporal networks in AH generation. First we will briefly review data of the literature assessing the involvement of temporal and frontal lobes in AH and their pathological interactions with other brain structures in schizophrenic patients with AH. Then we will show how transcranial current brain stimulations (tCS) of fronto temporal network can induce a clinical reduction of AH. Finally we will focus on the mechanisms of action of AH improvement with tCS, investigating biological markers of response.

Sedra Mohammadi

Urmia University of Medical Science, Iran

Title: Prenatal stress potentiates febrile seizure in human offspring

Time : 15:55-16:20


Sedra Mohammadi is pursuing her Medicine from the Urmia University of Medical Science. She is a Member of Student Research Committee of Urmia University of Medical Science since 2014. She has published 2 papers in journals and has been serving as a Redactor of Scientific Journal of Student Research Committee.



Introduction & Aim: A febrile seizure is a neurological disorder that occurs following an infection that results in a rapid rise in body temperature. It commonly affects 3–5% of children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years. There is evidence suggesting that neurological disorders can be exacerbated in an offspring that was exposed to stress prenatally. This study aimed to investigate severity of febrile seizures in prenatally stressed offspring.

Method: In the current study, 158 children under 2 years old with febrile seizure were selected. Information about convulsion including seizure lasting, recurrence of seizure, age of first seizure and type of febrile seizure (simple or complex) were obtained. Questionnaire to evaluate the perceived stress and exposure to major stress during pregnancy was completed.

Results: This finding showed that both high score of perceived stress and exposure to major stress during pregnancy significantly increased seizure lasting and seizure intensity. Exposure to prenatal stress did not have any significant effects on recurrences of febrile seizure and on age of onset of first febrile seizure. Also, appearance of complex febrile seizure was significantly higher in children born from mothers with major-stress exposure compared to unexposed one.

Conclusion: This study indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between both higher perceived stress score and exposure to major stresses during pregnancy with seizure parameters in offspring.


  • Neurophysiology & Neuropsychiatry

Galina Mindlin is an Assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System and Clinical/Executive Director at Brain Music Treatment Center in New York City. She is board certified in Psychiatry/Neurology and holds a PhD in Neuroscience. Dr. Mindlin co-authored the book Your Playlist Can Change Your Life (Sourcebooks, 2012). She provides direct clinical care for diverse patient population, including patients suffering from addiction, personality, mood, anxiety disorders and supervises clinical teams, residents, psychology interns, medical students. She is trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy at Columbia University, completed her training in DBT and is thought mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.


Objective: This uncontrolled pilot study assessed short-term effectiveness and acceptability of “brain music therapy” (BMT), a self-guided neurofeedback intervention for anxious insomniacs. Methods: Following baseline assessment, volunteers (n=15) with clinically significant insomnia and anxiety underwent EEG. Slow and fast wave brain patterns were converted to piano music tacks and transferred to CD’s. Participants were instructed to use their personalized CDs to facilitate sleep and anxiety reduction (relaxing track) or to stimulate focus and alertness (activating track) on a daily basis. Repeated measures of sleep (PIRS), anxiety (STAI), daytime functioning (DFT) and quality of life (QOL) were taken at Weeks 0, 3, and 6. Results: Participants were middle-aged (43.9/11.4), Caucasian (60.0%) females (66.7%) who were college educated (100%) and employed (93.4%). ANOVA showed significant changes on measures of sleep, anxiety, and DFT (i.e., fewer negative effects); no changes were found for DTF (i.e., more positive effects) or for QOL. Intervention acceptance was high, with participants reporting easy use, helpfulness, and willingness to refer friends with similar problems. Conclusions: Results provide preliminary support for BMT as a treatment for anxious insomnia. The intervention is user friendly, while eliminating the need for potentially dangerous hypnotics and repeat visits to psychotherapists.

  • Neurology treatment

Session Introduction

William S Baek

Parkside Medical Group, USA

Title: Diagnosis and Management of Neurogenetic Disorders: a Practical Approach

William S Baek is a triple board-certified neurologist. Born in NYC, he graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine in 1999 and completed his Neurology residency at the University of Chicago and a fellowship in Clinical Neurophysiology at UC San Diego in 2006. He completed an NIH postdoctorate research fellowship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He has served on UM at Beaver Medical Group, and as the Primary Stroke Center Medical Director, Internal Medical Residency Program Faculty Member, Neurology Clerkship Director, EMR champion, and QI/Peer Review Committee member at Kaiser Fontana Medical Center. He was a member of the Donald M. Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Forum, Class 2014. He also serves on the Clerkship Directors Consortium, Ethics Section of the AAN and is a member of the AANEM. He was the official bilingual moderator for the 2009 AOCCN, IFCN, in Seoul, Korea. He is on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience and JSM Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia. He has over 25 publications, almost all as sole author. He is a certified medical interpreter for Korean and Spanish he has done TV shows in Korean, English and Spanish. He studied German at Harvard University. He also a professional medical translator for Japanese


Since the beginning of the 21st century the field of Neurogenetics has exploded, generating novel concepts, unveiling mechanisms, and creating the basis for innovative molecule-targeted specific therapies for neurological disorders. Establishing a genetic diagnosis for any neurological condition is critical for understanding the natural course of the disease and managing accordingly; it shall no longer be viewed as medically unnecessary. This has created a paradigm shift towards reclassifying diseases based on the molecular features rather than signs and symptoms. Down syndrome, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, cri-du-chat (5p deletion), phenylketonuria, neurocutaneous disorders, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, Friedreich’s ataxia (1/50,000), myotonic dystrophy, Huntington’s disease(1/10,000), and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease(1/3000) are among the most common hereditary neurological disorders I would like to present several genetically confirmed cases seen in our outpatient clinic, including practical management of these conditions. This consists of a myriad of cases I have personally diagnosed and treated in an omnibus fashion, such as Fragile X syndrome, horizontal gaze palsy with progressive sclerosis(HGPPS), Smith-Magenis syndrome(SMS), Huntington’s disease, spinocerebellar ataxia(SCA), oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy(OPMD), and fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy(FSHMD) with review of the literature.


Gloria Benítez-King is professor in department of Neurology  and Clinical Neurophysiology in Casa di Cura Sant’Elena, Italy


CMT is one of the most commonly inherited neuromuscular diseases, with prevalence of approximately 1 in 2,500 persons. Clinical complains are mainly represented by muscle pain, sensation of fatigue and painful muscle cramps. No treatment of clinical symptoms is available yet. Previous treatment with high dosage of vitamin C failed to confirm a benefit in humans. A clinical open trial has been performed in order to evaluate the efficacy of ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide (PEA-um®). Twenty-two patients (7 male and 15 females) from four different CMT families were treated with PEA-um® at dosage of 1200 mg/day for 80 days (Normast ®, Epitech Group srl, Saccolongo, Italy). None of the patients had an add-on treatment for the clinical symptoms. Muscle pain, fatigue and muscle cramps were assessed at T0 (baseline), T1 (20th day) and T2 (80th day) using Visual Analogic Scale (VAS). Muscle strength, vibratory sensation and Motor/Sensory nerve Conduction velocities were also assessed with the same schedule. Mean values of VAS for muscle pain at T1decreased from 5.9 ± 2.1 to 3.9 ± 1.7 (p<0.0001), whereas VAS for fatigue decreased form 6.3 ± 2.4 to 3.4 ± 1.6 (p <0.0001). VAS score for painful cramps at T1diminished from 5.4 ± 1.2 to 3.8 ± 1.3 (p<0.0001). A further improvement of VAS scores for muscle pain, fatigue and painful cramps was observed at T2 evaluation. These data strongly suggest that PEA-um® is effective in improving clinical symptoms of CMT neuropathy, albeit the obvious limitation of an open study.

Aliaksandr Haretski

The Body Regeneration Center of EAFM, Poland

Title: The Method of Nervous System Regeneration

Aliaksandr Haretski is the rector of the European Academy of Folk Medicine, Professor of the department of Neurology of the International University of Science in Hannover, Germany, Doctor of naturopathy /complementary medicine of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies in Hannover, Germany. He is the director of the Body Regeneration Center of EAFM, Poland. He published more than 20 articles in reputed journals. He is the author of the book „A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO REJUVENATION AND COMPLETE HEALING OF DISEASES and cancer”.


The Method of Nervous System Regeneration. It is a universal integrated method based on the use of more than 40 our developments know-how. It is able to mobilize human abilities and make the human body restore itself. The unique advantage of the method is the absence of contraindications and adverse side effects. This method helps us not only halt the disease progression but restore lost body functions. Many patients with various chronic incurable and even genetic diseases, such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, MS, ALS, ICP, fibromyalgia, CFS, all types of myopathy, atrophy and muscle dystrophy, undergo their treatment successfully in our center. The use of this method allow us to have an integrated impact on the whole body at once rather than on its separate damaged parts, cleanse the body of toxins, eliminate the main causes of a disease, boost immunity, provide the body with nutrients to fight against diseases, launch the mechanisms of body regeneration and self-healing in patients with various diseases practically at any age. When stimulating the immune system, the body starts to produce a large number of its own stem cells. Old damaged cells will be completely replaced with new ones in organs in a very short time. Scar tissue cells will be transformed into new healthy cells in damaged organs. As a result all organs will be completely revived again without any surgery. The unique results of treatment achieved by our patients many times are the best proof of the efficiency of this method.

  • Neuropathology

Ute-Christiane Meier has completed her PhD at the University of Oxford, where she worked on the cytotoxic T-cell control of HIV infection. Through the support of several post-doctoral fellowships, she continued her studies on persistent virus infections and immunotherapeutic vaccine-strategies within Oxford University, British Biotech, and the Edward Jenner Institute. She started working in Neuroimmunology in 2007 at the Blizard Institute London. In 2012 she was appointed as non-clinical lecturer in Neuroimmunology, where she and her team study the role of environmental risk factors in multiple sclerosis, the topic of her external habilitation at the Ludwig-Maximilian- University Munich in 2014.


The exact mechanisms underlying neuroinflammation and neuropathology in multiple sclerosis (MS) are still unknown, but susceptibility depends on a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors and their interactions. With little influence on genetic predisposition, the importance of modulating environmental risk factors is becoming an area of great interest. There is mounting evidence implicating both late Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and hypovitaminosis-D as key environmental risk factors in MS. We have previously shown that active white matter lesions in the MS brain show signs of innate immune activation, and that latently EBV-infected cells can be found in these areas. We hypothesized that EBV-RNAs (EBERs) may get secreted from EBV-infected cells and promote an inflammatory milieu within the lesion. We then tested whether EBV infection was under the control of vitamin-D and found that hypovitaminosis-D, which is a characteristic feature of MS cohorts, was not able to impact on EBV infection. More recently, we compared EBV-status and innate immune signatures in serum and cerebrospial fluid of untreated relapsing-remitting MS patients and found antibody production against latent EBV antigens mainly in the periphery and innate immune IL-8 responses preferentially in the CNS. Dysregulated EBV infection may be a potential risk factor and contribute to MS disease activity via the stimulation of innate immune responses by EBERs, antigenic mimicry and/or crossreactivity of cellular immune responses with “self” brain antigens or via the transactivation of endogenous retroviruses. The identification of environmental risk factors in MS may offer novel targets for intervention and prevention.